th diary of super at
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You 're th only thing I know.
Saturday, October 31, 2009 @ 11:51 PM Updownturnaround. Hello, umm, as usual, it's a Saturday, which equates to a super dull daaay! Haha, woke up at around 11.30am? I just couldn't fall back to lala land :S Although I slept at 2am th previous night. Bathed, started cleaning my room. Surprised? So am I. I washed th dishes and mopped th whole house without even being told to do so. I know, I 'm surprised myself. At 6.30pm or so, went for a Kenduri Arwah at Nek Su 's house. Paisehpaiseh. We came after they just finished praying and everyone was looking at us :l Recited our prayers, then ate. Headed home soon after. Boedi 's adoreableeeee :D We 're going down for sure.
Friday, October 30, 2009 @ 11:01 PM Hahahehehoho^^ Had to go to school by myself today, so went w Rayyan. I 'm always th later one :P Luq took th same bus to school too. Haha, I guess people might think I 'm crazy 'cause I said HI to him so loudly. Reached school at 6.55? One of th earliest time I ever went to school. -.- Continued watching Drag Me To Hell during English, disgusting. Haaah. Finished my Word Search book which is probably more than 2 years old during CME. Threw it away during recess^^ Watched Ponyoponyo during Geography, cute maaaaan :DD Did a super long survey and got back our Report Book during th 2 period of From Teacher time. Results as shown below, Suckerish right? I know, thank you. Psssttt, I'm becomming a PSL next year! Muahahahaha :P Went for th PSL briefing which lasted till 1, took pictures w people. Haha, wanted to go to Central, but instead, sat at th entrance. Stopped whoever I knew from going out, till they took a picture w me :P Yadadada, yadadada, went in back to school to eat. Zaks blanja, thanks lve^^ Must go out together somedayy. Someone wanted to talk to me, then shyyy. HAHAHA ;P Headed home, napped. Used comp, went to East Point. Mama so drama! Cute :P Dinner at Banquet. I saw Irsyad, heh. Kept looking at winter clothes. Frankly, it bores me. Papa, fetched us, home. Currently chatting and playing Farmville. Lame, I know. HAHA, Matthew said he used to like me, cause I was nice :X Goshh, I would like reallyreally miss 2E2 ); Fond memories cann never be erased. Esp th people in it. Duck -ass, Bala, Meng, Zaks, B, Qi Wei and everyone la! Maybe we 're just trying too hard.
Thursday, October 29, 2009 @ 3:11 PM Hmm, so today, nothing much happened. If it wasn't for th fact that we HAD to pass up our option slips, I wouldn't have attended school :S I probably would 've spend th whole day sleeping. Hah! Yesterday, I got 16th position for th Cross Country ( Kinda Insulting ) and psssttt, in case you didn't know, 2E2 came out as Champions! Muahahahaha. Alright, woke up at 5.45am although I set my alarm at 5. Lucky for me, I asked someone to give me a wake up call :/ So met Rayyan at th busstop, then took th bus, then changed bus, then blablabla. Reached Temasek Poly, and then waited for th rest to arrive. Coincidently met Dee and her boyf, so we waited together. Found out that Zaks was stuck in a small jam, and th rest had already gone in, so we made our way to th assembly area. Yadada, I thought I lost my towel, but it actually fell off and it was at th busstop >.< Theen, Ms Koh actually didn't allow Zaks and I to bring our handphones during th run, but we still did. The start of th run, I was leading ya' know. Then I started to slow down. Then I listened to music. Then Celeste caught up w me. Ran, walked and supported each other all th way. Love you ahhh. ^^ After th run, had a short rest, interclass netball. I made a fool out of myself at th beginning of th game :S I was trying to intercept, then I fell :/ Embarrassing much? Hoho. O.o, and I 'lost' my skirt! Only till th ending of th Carnival, I found it. How did I manage to get it back? They made an announcement :X So then, LuqRayFizzAkirHaizanSofiaHazirahZaks and I walked from Temasek Poly to Century Square since th busstop was crowded. Fizz was being disgusting, he kept throwing his SUPER wet towel around. Eat, then met people. Crazy :S Played arm wrestling, taptap face, and somemore ah. I won most of it^^ But some, half way through, give up :P Haha, I failed mastering th art of hitting people w a towel. -.- Th whole day was so taxing that when I got home, I slept :D About that guy who 'sound' me, he didn't really confront me in person -.- He just called my name several times and stared. I made an innocent looking face and walked away. Huhu, Luq settled th matter for me. Best :D Real eyes realise real lies.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009 @ 10:07 PM Hello lovelies {: So today, was a reallyreally boring day. Hahaha. Boarded th bus at 7.30 am? It took like an hour to get there. It was a 2 hours walk around th Sungai Buloh -.- Nothing really captivated my interest. Disturbed people^^ Thenthen, Xuan showed me pictures of his house in China and pictures of his parents :/ HAHA, I didn't even ask ya' know. All I wanted was to borrow his camera. Huhu, so it's like, tak perlu :P Zooomed back to school, got our result slips back :S I did pretty well la, but not up to my standard. Papa was like, "What happened to your 6 A1's?!" Cause I only got one this year >.< Awwwh, cheer up Zaks. No matter what happens, I 'm always here for you, lve <3 Hoho, while I was online earlier tonight, there was this one guy who 'sound' me la. Geee, he wants to talk to me tomorrow. I never do anything seyh. Baseless accusations, pfffttt. Went to Ngaji, yadadada, yadadada. Haha, and finally that someone texted me. Last night, I fell asleep at 9pm till 10pm. Checked my phone then like, ehh! Hahahaha -.- Meng called several times, then I dozed off back to sleep. My mood was totally flat. I was too tired to entertain anyone, soso sorry. O.o, hopefully I 'ld have enough stamina to run tomorrow! & May 2E2 win th Interclass! (: Bismillah, amin. xP Have to wake up early, ahhh :S He got me love drunk.
Monday, October 26, 2009 @ 7:58 PM Hello aliensss. Haha, I think I had too much sugar intake, which explains why I'm in such a goood mood andand, highh^^ HAHA. If you need evidence, check Yusri's wall. HAH. Okay, so, th day started off with th briefing, yadadada, yadadada.. Headed to th Mini Mart, but it was closed >.< So, we went to Central. Bought bala tea (bubble tea) then headed to sea shell park. Zaks told us about her Mom. Haah, cute or whaaat^^ Thenthen, camwhored for a while. Walked to E!hub since Luq wanted to treat us. We still had to put in 2 bucks each tho. Shaleen came, Zirah and B wanted to head home. We actually planned to go to th Gym, but plan was cancelled ); Soo, I walked from E!hub to th Interchange all by myself, then zoomed home. Chat w Syazwan for a little while about treating, then went for a jog. I was like so paiseh jogging alone in an almost empty park.. Akir was asking me about stuffs, it made me think for a while.. Then, I decided to go all th way up to th 16th story. The view was breath taking. The wind was, umm, undiscribe -able. Meng gave me a call. Talked to her, :DD. Hmm, and then done. Took a shower, used th computer. Mama, was angry when she came home. & For th first time (I think) I went to her and ask why she was so angry^^ Had dinner, then donee. Just now right, there was this one guy who asked if can kenal2, I was like laughing at him. Then he asked me why, I asked him, what if I said No, he then said, nevermind, and he called me sombong. Haaah, people this days. *rolls eyes ^^ Ohh, I'm kinda looking forward for tomorrow. Eco Trekk^^ I have to like join 2e3's group? Grrr. Nvm, I still have Zaks (: P.s, I woke up every hour just to see if you left a message. He got me digging on his vibe.
Saturday, October 24, 2009 @ 3:29 AM A few hours ago, *ehem, someone was supposed to call me. Ahh, haha. Went to Swensen's yesterday night to celebrate mum's *(insert two digit number) birthdayy. Haha, Abang, Mama and myself wore bluee, while Hazirah and Papa wore purple. I only realised it when we were walking from th carpark -.- I was damn hyper, I don't know why. But I like th feeling, talk continue -ously like there's no tomorrow and irritate people. Best^^ So then right, I bought for her like a foot scrub? It was supposed to be another thing. Grrr, I think my eyes were playing tricks w me or maybe I was distracted? HAHA -.- So today, school was boring, but there was a fire drill. There was this one part about Meng's "Nud" Hahahaha! After school, catch up abit w dearest BFLS and laugh at Faaiz who paiseh -ed. Hoho! Before that headed to Lp to collect Mama's stuffs. Heavyyy. Hahaha. Then, headed to Tampinese with MengZaksBHazirah. Otw, funn ya' know. There was this person who called me, then everyone all so kecoh. Then I told Meng something from A-Z so loudly without realising it. My voice loud mann. Hehe, sorry^^ Thenn, looked around th Body Shop sale. Didn't get anything. Went to Ntuc to get drinks, before that fooled around at th aquarium(?) Bought white nail polish, then went to Aries to get blue eye liner~ Seperated w Meng and Zaks, so I was all alone ); Then right, at th MRT platform, I saw Hazirah (as in my sister) and her friend (Farhanna). I happy^^ Abang called, asking for suggestions about Mama's present. He was at Tampinese Mall too ya' know, even Mama, cool right? :P So, went home w sister, saw Danial in th bus. After Maghrib went to Airport la. Haha, after that otp. Haha, I discovered something which made me happier. A question that was troubling me for days is now answered, and I didn't even have to ask. On Thursday, it was, one word to describe it, 'awesome'. When I reached home, I slept all th way till morning. I found out someone else did th same thing too. Haah. Kayy, so yeahh. I need to tell Bfls so many things, haha, Sunday must go TA! Once a whore, you're nothing more.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009 @ 11:05 PM Wassapp^^ Haha, like about half an hour ago? Got off th phone w this ass. Hoho, oppsss. :X Hahaha, well, I bloghopped and I read this girl's blog. She's vvvv pretty and idk why, but I like her. Heh, as in not that 'likelike' but like. I'm straight kay, heh. Thenthen, I would like to apologize to Shamirul and Bryanna? Cause like, I went off without telling them. And I wasn't much help to Bryanna ); I feel so bad. So kaaay, moving on, we got back some of our results today. I so failed english Paper 2~ By one pathetic mark. Dee was like, 'Nur Atiqah Binte Ridzwan FAIL?' Hahaha, then sh repeat and repeat. But if I total it up with my letter writing, it's still higher then Rayyan's :P Soso, got Art papers back too. Woah, there was this one girl who went around showing off. No offence la. I got 67, peace^^ Mmm, got back Science papers too. I got 67? Grrr, I've been getting B3s for most of my subjects. I have yet to see an A~ Soso, during P.E, Santa Clause took us. Woah, so many lectures~ Hahaha, Matthew mimic -ed him, which practically made th whole class laugh. Played soccer, but half way through play what? Rugby. Muahahahaha :P Thenthen, after school, went to th Mosque w MengBZaks. From 2.45 to 5? Heh. Hmm, before that right, I build up all my courage and told Chew that I wanted out. I 'm just afraid she 'ld confront me infront of EVERYBODY, AGAIN tomorrow. I love my girls for being there for me^^ Lastly, there is this one particular person who 's finding fault. Grrr~ Deprived, someone get her a boyfriend quick. Th more I know, th more I dislike. Cheerios ;D Things aren't always what they seem.
Monday, October 19, 2009 @ 9:39 PM Hey, missed me? Hoho, I came back at around 5 in th afternoon, so it's too late to miss me :P So, came back and slacked. Contemplated if I should follow mama and Hazirah to Lp to cut hair. I just want to cut my fringe, and that's it, cause I'm currently in love w my hair :D I'll probably cut it tomorrow, after school? Ah, idk. Abang 's making a big fuss out of it. So I switched on th computer, started chatting w Meng, then Bfls, then more and more people. Heh, Bfls and her EVIL plans.. So, about th Melaka trip, all I know is that we spent most of th money on food. Hah, like they say, 'what you are is what you eat'. Hmm, so I only bought a new pair of jeans? Since abang said most of th stuffs could b found in Bugis. Hoho, so, just now, in th hotel room, I made up my mind not to go swimming. Only after watching 'Dont Ignore Diabetes', I changed my mind. I swam 20 laps. Yay me. Heh. So, my friendship w R, has been corrected. Heh. Btw, just now right, Papa did something which almost made me rofl. Hoho, i miss my girls): Getting back results tomorrow, most prolly. Nervous! :P I feel like I'm frozen in time
Friday, October 16, 2009 @ 5:15 PM Heyho, lovelies. I'm finally in th mood to blog^^ Woke up at 1+? Slept at around 240 yesterday. Haha, after putting down th phone at 230, I was supposed to continue to accompany someone by calling them at 3, but guessed what? I dozed off! Haha, probably due to th fact that I have been sleeping at around 2-3 plus to study :S Soso, exams are like finally, officially OVER! To mark th last day of exam, we went on a field trip to Marina Barrage. We were actually supposed to go there to listen and learn? Haah, when we were given time to wonder around by ourselves, MengZaksB and I went to th water place. Haha, LuqFizzRayAkirDeeRaisFelNicoleInez were there too. Started fooling around, getting wet. I was th least wet. YAY! -.- But my whole skirt was wet, cause of one stupid thing I did :D When time was up, Chang came and started to get mad. Haha, th rest went off to dry in th toilet, while I sat outside. With th help of th wind, I managed to dry myself. So, went back to school, headed to Central. Zaks and I started to get a headache. But after that, we went back to shool, thinking that we could kick some balls.. Butbutbut, there was like many peepos at th mini field, so we just sat there and watch. 10 minutes later, we decided to head home. Upon arriving home, there were people, who came to fix th fan :S So, I just snuck in and slept :/ Tonight, am going to Melaka, somehow excited, dk whyy. Probably cause can go shopping! Coming back on either Sunday or Monday. Haha, so I'll end by wishing one of my favourite girl. Happy 14th Birthday Meng! ily truckloads :D I've got a backbone stronger than yours
Sunday, October 11, 2009 @ 6:29 PM Yozsx. So, I 've just finished mugging for 4 hours. Woaaah, haha. Did all my notes for th whole textbook. No matter whatt, I must do well. Compared to mid year and tests, I have a weekend to prepare myself, so I MUST do better than a B4. & Note to self : Never let a paper bring you down. Soso,yesterday, had a study date with dearest Bfls + Ummirah at Elias Mall Mac. Luq and gang invited me to study w them, but I declined, obviously. Saw Afiq Latif, he still looks th same! :S Going out for dinner tonight, YEY! Haha, a breath of fresh air. Skipped TA today. I wonder who even go seyh. From time to time, I catch myself missing you. Andd, I survived almost 21 days without my phone, go me. Alright, I'll end here. Cheerios. The day we met was like a hit and run
Friday, October 9, 2009 @ 10:23 PM Wassaaaaap. Today, sat for Geography paper. Although I did it w great ease, I only had 5 minutes left to check? That was ofically th first time I had no extra time to check over and over again for a humanities paper~ This was also th first time I spent so long studying for a humanities paper. Yesterday afternoon studied, at night, fell asleep for about an hour or so, continued studying till 3? Slept, woke up early, study again~ So semangat. After th paper ended, had lunch w ZaksHazirahMengB at school. Meng and B then went for D&T, while we sat at th canteen talking about something, something that practically made me laugh so hard that my laughter filled th almost-empty canteen. Shall not elaborate further. After awhile, we decided to kick some balls. So headed to th field. & Ofc, if Atiqah play, always kecoh. Heh^^ Zaks felt like vomitting, so we stopped. After resting and buying drinks, sat in th classroom. Did Science ws and help Eugene draw, haha. Took someone 's specs, someone got worried :O Told you I was a great actor! :P & Ehhh, I should've just taken it! I realised I look good in it. Haha, kay crap -.- Continued to play soccer and all, then at 12.35? Meng and B finished D&T, so met up w them. B scared Zaks so much so that her file dropped down from th 2nd floor to th 1st. Went back home, bathed, went back to school. Otw went to mini mart to get sweets :S We saw A* and I couldn't help but laugh. A* is seriously vvv arrogant, no offense. I saw a string on A* hair, so Zaks and I called after A*, A* just ignored. We shouted, so A* was obviously ignoring us! Pffttt. Hah. So then the revision ended at around 5 plus, I could 've almost fallen asleep. Meng and B went home, Zaks and I went to kick somemore balls after that. Haaah, after 15 minutes or so, went home. Upon reaching home, it was as if I was struck by something. I got so tired, I kept mum and didn't reply to anyone asking me questions. At 7+ I dozed of for about an hour or so, woke up because my nose bled, had dinner. Pasta Mania^^ Haaaah. It seems like we're meant to be
Thursday, October 8, 2009 @ 7:42 PM Math was :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD Haha, fake la. It was DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD: Nevertheless, I shall not think about it and still be optimistic^^ Today, after my favouriteee paper, ate at school with ZaksBMeng. I bought Laksa in courtesy of Meng. So, while waiting for th stall auntie to ask what we wanted to order, I asked Meng what she wanted. She told me, "Mee Soto". I replied, "Mee Soto?". Then she said, "No, Mee SotOOOO" *With her mouth 'O' -ed. I was like, "Mee what? S.." *trying to impersonate her. I couldn't help it, so I burst into laughter. I was laughing SO hard, probably TOO hard, so much so that I hit th concreate. Since one of my lower teeth is sharp, I cut my bottom lip :S I could still carry on laughing^^ Th nice auntie gave me tissue :DD Haaaah. So then, we went to th drink stall to get drinks, obviously. I was still laughing then. Th auntie at th drink stall went, "Hohoho", trying to mimic me. It made me laugh even harder. After eating, we sat infront of th gate. Otw, I saw something. Haaah, so not gonna elaborate. Then it started to drizzle a little. Zaks was saying, "Ni mesti ade orang nyani.." So then we started singing and it was seriously out of tune. Muahahaa, it started raining heavier, we were starting to get wet. Yadadada. Okaay, have to finish Geographyyy Revision! 5 more chapters. Go me! (; I'm so much better without you.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009 @ 11:05 PM I shall wake up extra early tomorrow to do my revision. *sigh* Hahaha, all I want to do is to get maths paper over and done with. Did you know? B 's madrasah REALLY terbakar. It came out in th news. So todaytodaytoday, had English Paper 2 and Literature Paper. Really confident for Literature, so just praying for th best. After that, had lunch in school with my girls. Idk where Bfls dissapeared to~ And again, I laughed like a retard, when Zaks told us how sh was late for exams today.. I shall pray vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv, vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv, vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv hard that I would get an A1 for Math. But firstly, to do th paper with ease. Insyallah, amin. Heh. Abang taught me how to solve algebra w calculator. Best, ly. Haaaah^^ Oh, then right, today, I couldn't study in peace, because th house phone kept ringing. "Atiqah! How to do this question in TB page.." Haha, irritating ya' know, but kinda good for me too, cause I get to learn something I missed out. Peace :D Time's up, you pushed me to surrender
Tuesday, October 6, 2009 @ 5:52 PM Whats uppp. "Tell me, tell me, can you feel th pressure now?" I for one, know that I can. Gosh, tomorrow is already th start of MAJOR papers. Haiyaa, haha, yesterday and the day before, the feeling was neutral, but now I can feel th stress. Haizx. Ahaaa, yesterday right, Meng made me look like a fool. She made a fool of herself too, esp during Geography extra class. Sh kept biting on her straw and spitting it out! I mean, that's okay, although it's a little unhygenic.. But she spat on ME! Dang it. I was making weird noises -.- Thenthen, I brought my scisors that makes your hair thinner. Meng used it, then sh ran her hand through her hair and said "Ouh, I got cancer..", full of expression. I was laughing my heart out. There were many other funny incidents, but I can't remember them all. So today, started off with a free period, did science, I think. Literature was next, played th game, although I didn't participate tht much.. Had MT, did practice paper which I forgotten to pass up, then English, did practice paper also. Like boooring. During recess, we had a difficulty finding a seat. Science then Maths (free period) , I was almost going insane trying to figure out th meaning for th PeribahasaS. Lucky for me, th relief teacher was a malay teacher. So for th next period, did literature notes. Someone was disturbing my peace :S Had Math during Lifeskills. After school, went to eat with B and Meng. Took out money at first, there was this uncle who asked if we could help him withdraw money. At first I thought he wanted my money or something, so I asked my girls to stand near me. As we walked away, he was calling after us and being a "Popiah kosong", B went to him and asked what he wanted. Helped him withdraw money, blablabla, headed to Mac for Lunch. There was this instant where B answered a call and suddenly said to us, "Madrasah aku terbakar". I was like, *choke* "HAHAHAHAHA!" I was laughing like an idiot and people were staring -.- After that, photocopy -ed some assesment stuffs from B's book ( Next time you want to photocopy, photocopy at Lp, you can save money ) Hey! I was 'cheated!' Met Zaks and Hazirah. Went back to school to collect our bags and then I saw 2e4 peeps comming down. I waited and waited, thinking I could go home with my dearest Bfls. To my dissapointment and forgetfulness, she didn't come to school. Hahaha, shhhh. So I went home all alone and watched Beauty and th Geek. Kay, got to go revise. Stress ah. Ahahahaha. He could be th one.
Saturday, October 3, 2009 @ 4:06 PM Omgomg, ahaha. Just woke up at around 2 today? Probably to replace alll the sleep I 've been missing for th past few days. So, yesterday, school wasn't awesome at all. It was soo boring. Ahaha, gave out th relationship cheque thingy. Fun^^ After school, wanted to give one to Ayam. Didn't have enough courage to do it. Nyahaha. Stayed in school for awhile and it WAS Nazrul in th bus th other day~ Went to Lp to get Bala tea, and then camwhored at th rooftop. Pictures w Zaks and Hazirah. Went back to school, otw saw Mua'z. He waved hi to Zaks and then a few minutes later I waved too and he was like lost but he waved back. Ahahaha. Had a heart to heart talk with Meng while Zaks and B played taiti or cheat w th guys. Went back home, and otw I saw Hafiz Shah, so I said hi. He probably didn't recognise me cause he had th same lost look on his face. Padehal case Fithriyahh ade jumpe pe~ Talked otp with Tishi until th phone off -ed by itself, chatted with Ayam. Awesome man ;DD Been chatting quite alot for this past few days.. ^^ So anyway, I feel like we're drifting apart. We don't share our problems with each other anymore. We weren't like we used to be. I feel like you're turning into something else, someone I don't know. I miss you, the old you. I am now contemplating if I should go Washington or not. Help me can? It'll be like from th 16th to 30th December? Helppppp. Hahahhaha. clean up the mess and sleep the day away,
Thursday, October 1, 2009 @ 7:42 PM So anyway, had EL and ML compo today. I accidently fell asleep last night, half way reading my notes. Haaah, I woke up in th middle of the night just to stop th papers in my hand from flying and continued to sleep. Went to school, all blur and half awake, tried to see how it's like being Qaaf's height during morning assembly, then did EL compo. I was racking my brains to think of what to write kay -.- Had a short break, rushed through all the notes given. ML compo was even harder :S If you took a look at my question paper, it's all written in English. I had a hard time trying to translate the words. I took 45 minutes just to do the dialog. Even if it consisted of only 20 marks compared to th karangan which consisted 50, I wrote vvv long. Heeee ;D Chang paiseyh. Funny like whaaat. After that, stayed in school to have lunch w my girls and then headed to E!hub. I practically laughed till I cried, just trying to get back my dictionary from akir.. Soso, headed home after that. Cooked dinner, nice you know! xP |